- Appeal against liability for council tax
- Appeal your business' food hygiene rating
- Application for a personal licence
- Application for a Scrap Metal Dealer licence
- Application for a Wyre resident’s car parking permit scheme
- Application for consent for an exhibition, demonstration or performance of Hypnotism
- Application for information from the benefits or council tax databases
- Application for registration documents: Shellfish harvesting
- Application for registration of a non-commercial society lottery
- Application for small business rates relief
- Application for the grant of a pavement licence
- Application or renewal of a dual driver licence
- Application or renewal of a Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicle licence
- Application to exercise your rights under the General Data Protection Regulations
- Apply for a care home council tax exemption (Class E exemption)
- Apply for a council tax discount for annexes
- Apply for a council tax discount when a property has been left empty by a person providing care
- Apply for a council tax discount when a property has been left empty by a person receiving care
- Apply for a fitness permit
- Apply for a job related second home discount for your Council Tax
- Apply for an assisted collection
- ARG Sub Policy - Vacant High Street Premises/Fleetwood Market Vacant Stalls Grant
- Assets of community value nomination form
- Build up of waste/potential bonfire
- Car park season ticket application
- Care and repair enquiry form
- Carer discount disregard application form for council tax
- Changes to or cancellation of small society lottery registration
- Cleaning your street and neighbourhood
- Climate change suggestion form
- Commercial properties to let- Interested parties application
- Community Trigger
- Council tax disabled band reduction application form
- Council tax discount for a school leaver or someone whom child benefit is still payable for
- Council tax discount for apprentices
- Council tax discount for youth trainees
- Demolition notice form
- Discretionary Housing Payment application appeal
- Election staffing financial details
- Empty homes premium
- Feedback
- Form of accounts
- Freedom of information
- Grave Search
- Has a tree got a Tree Preservation Order?
- Health and safety complaint form
- Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Payments
- House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) - Change of Occupancy
- House to house collection licence application form
- Insurance claim questionnaire