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Volunteering privacy notice

Why do we have your personal data?

When you apply to volunteer with us, you need to provide us with certain information so we are able to comply with our legal obligations i.e. check your identity and entitlement to live and work in the UK under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006. You must provide us with this information so we can process your application We also ask for information on ‘protected characteristics’ such as age, race, disability etc to help us meet our legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010. You can choose not to provide us with this information or ask for it to be removed from our records at a later date. This will not affect our decision on whether or not to offer you a volunteer placement but it may affect our ability to support you if, for example, we are not aware of any disabilities you may have.

When you start volunteering with us, you have entered an agreement or contract with us.

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