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Council Services
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Service area privacy notices
Service area privacy notices
Find out how each service area within the council manages your data.
Active lives privacy notice
Allotments waiting list privacy notice
Bereavement services privacy notice
Building control privacy notice
Care and repair privacy notice
CCTV privacy notice
Communications and marketing privacy notice
Consultation portal privacy notice
Council owned properties available for let privacy notice
Democratic services privacy notice
Disabled facilities grants privacy notice
Discover Wyre website privacy notice
Economic development privacy notice
Elected councillors privacy notice
Electoral services privacy notice
Environmental protection and community safety privacy notice
Environmental services teams privacy notice
Estates and council markets privacy notice
Financial services privacy notice
Flooding privacy notice
Food and health and safety team privacy notice
Health and safety privacy notice
High Street Heritage Action Zone grant privacy notice
Household support fund privacy notice
Housing options privacy notice
Human resources privacy notice
Information governance privacy notice
Land charges privacy notice
Leisure, healthy lifestyles and communities privacy notice
Licensing service privacy notice
Marine Hall and weddings privacy notice
Online event bookings privacy notice
Pest control service privacy notice
Planning services privacy notice
Revenues and benefits privacy notice
Social media privacy notice
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government privacy notice
Virtual and remote access meetings privacy notice
Volunteering privacy notice
Wyre Moving More privacy notice
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