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Our plan to tackle climate change

Your thoughts on climate change

Local resident's views on climate change, 2021

At the end of 2020, we joined Blackpool and Fylde councils to survey all residents in the area on their views about climate change. This provided a useful insight into how people perceive climate change locally and what may motivate people to take action.

  • Most respondents considered that their knowledge on the subject of climate change was moderately broad, and generally showed greater concern about the impacts of climate change globally and across Britain, rather than for local impacts in Wyre.
  • The main motivations for respondents changing their behaviours were the consideration of future generations, health and saving money.
  • It was encouraging that most respondents either agreed or strongly agreed that they were able to make individual changes to reduce climate change. Most reported they were already carrying out a number of positive behaviours, and would most likely consider actions such as major home-energy efficiency improvements and switching to a renewable energy provider.
  • However, the perceived barriers to action included cost and concern that their individual contribution would have no effect. Respondents were less likely to choose to eat more vegetarian/vegan food and buy less or second-hand furniture, appliances and clothes.
  • It was widely supported that the council should introduce measures that encourage people to adopt environmentally friendly behaviour, rather than leaving this up to individuals. Respondents showed strong support for a range of suggested initiatives, as well as offering a wide range of potential actions that the council could implement. 

Read the resident survey report

Life in Wyre, 2022

In the 2022 Life in Wyre resident's survey, respondants were asked how strongly they would support or oppose a range of different actions that the council might take to address climate change. The most popular measures, supported by over three-quarters of respondants were: 

  • Offering schemes for residents to install renewable energy.
  • Supporting renewable energy generation, e.g., solar power. 
  • Offering advice for reducing bills and improving home energy efficiency.
  • Safer walking and cycling routes.
  • Setting tougher environmental standards for newer developments. 

Read the Life in Wyre survey report

Draft Climate Change Strategy public consultation, 2024

In January and February 2024, we ran a public consultation to gather views on the emerging draft Climate Change Strategy. More information will be provided soon. 

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