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Our plan to tackle climate change

Our strategy and action plan

To reflect our levels of influence across the borough, we have produced two separate action plans in order to effectively respond to the impacts and risks of climate change.

Council operations

We aim to lead by example in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions we have direct control over by 78% by 2035, before making the council’s activities net-zero by 2050. This includes reducing energy used within our buildings, leisure centres, our fleet, and our operational activities.

Read our council operations action plan

Wider borough

As a district authority within Lancashire County Council, we are responsible for local services such as rubbish collection, our parks and open spaces, and local planning applications, whilst the county council are responsible for services such as education, highways and waste disposal. Although we are limited in our level of influence, we understand our position as a leader within the borough. We therefore commit to support and work with all other relevant agencies towards making the entire Wyre area zero carbon within the same timescale.

Read our wider borough action plan


The action plans are live documents, which will be updated annually to reflect emerging technologies, guidance and policies. 

If you have any suggestions for actions you would like to see the council taking in response to climate change, please complete the climate change suggestion form.

Climate change suggestion form

Coming soon...

The climate change team are finalising a detailed Climate Change Strategy, following on from the recent public consultation. This will outline the council's main objectives for addressing climate change, highlight the main risks to our borough, and refresh the current action plans as a result.

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