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Online event bookings privacy notice

Personal data we collect

Wyre Council use TicketTailor an independent ticketing platform to process event bookings. We will collect personal information from you when you book a ticket to one of our events which may include your name, address, phone number and email address together with payment information (for chargeable events only). We may also collect personal data belonging to other people, which you give to us when you register them to attend an event. When providing us with their data, you agree that you have notified them of this privacy notice and, where necessary, obtained their consent so that we can lawfully process their personal data in accordance with this notice.

All personal data that you provide to us must be true, complete and accurate. If you provide us with inaccurate or false data, and we suspect or identify fraud, we will record this.

You do not need to provide us with any personal data to view our event ticket shop. However, we may still collect the information listed under the ‘data we automatically collect’ section of this policy.

When you contact us by email or post, we may keep a record of this correspondence.

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