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Environmental protection and community safety privacy notice

The type of data we collect

The type of personal data processed by the team depends on the specific function being undertaken. In the majority of situations it is restricted to the following:

  • Your name, address, contact telephone number, contact email address
  • Your date of birth, NHS number, other national identifier
  • Details of conversations and correspondence between you and the team
  • Information about you, your family, or other members of your household
  • Details about your lifestyle and social circumstances
  • Financial details
  • Employment and education details
  • Details about your housing situation

It may at times however include more sensitive data such as:

  • The names and contact details of your close relatives and/or carers
  • Your physical and mental health details
  • Details of any health, social care or other services you are accessing
  • Details of any support you receive from carers or others
  • Details of any relevant vulnerabilities or risks to your health or wellbeing
  • Information about your situation given to us by your family, carers or other agencies
  • Any cultural, spiritual or religious beliefs
  • Details of your political opinion/affiliation
  • Details of your racial or ethnic origin
  • Details of any communication needs you may have
  • Details of your legal status such as immigration and power of attorney
  • Details of any relevant offences (including alleged offences)
  • Details of any relevant criminal proceedings, outcomes and sentences
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