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Local Plan Full Review

Issues and Options Consultation 2024

Issues and Options – Have Your Say!

As part of producing the new Local Plan, the Council has prepared a document designed to identify the key issues facing the borough over the next 15 years and the options for addressing them. This Issues and Options document sets out a series of key questions involving topics such as climate change, meeting housing needs and economic growth. The Council values the contribution of residents and other interested parties in the planning process and is carrying out a public consultation on the Issues and Options document from Monday 29 July 2024 to 5.00pm Tuesday 10 September 2024.

The Wyre Local Plan Issues and Options 2024 was prepared prior to the new Government being elected in July 2024. Proposed planning reform has not been considered or factored into this consultation document.

The Council is also publishing a Sustainability Appraisal of the Issues and Options document. This assesses the vision, objectives and four spatial options against a set of sustainability objectives. Comments on the Sustainability Appraisal are also welcomed.

Comments can be submitted via an online response form or alternatively via a paper form which will need to be returned to the Council.

As part of the consultation, we are holding a series of public exhibitions during the consultation period at which you can discuss local plan issues with officers from the Planning Policy team.  The dates and venues are:

Thornton YMCA

Monday 5 August

2.30pm to 7pm

Garstang Library

Thursday 8 August

1.30pm to 6.30pm

Forton Village Hall

Monday 12 August

2.30pm to 7pm

Great Eccleston Village Centre

Tuesday 13 August

2.30pm to 7pm

Stalmine Village Hall

Wednesday 14 August

2.30pm to 7pm

Fleetwood Marine Hall

Thursday 15 August

2.30pm to 7pm

Poulton-le-Fylde Community Hall, Vicarage Road, Poulton-le-Fylde

Saturday 17 August

10.00am to 2:30pm

The unstaffed exhibition will be available to view at the Wyre Council Civic Centre reception area from Wednesday 21 August to Tuesday 10 September.

Consultation material including the Issues and Options document is available to view at all public libraries in Wyre and the Civic Centre reception during the consultation period. 

You can respond to the Issues and Options consultation by using an on-line form, downloadable and printable response form or simply write to the Planning Policy team. The downloadable form can be e-mailed back to the Council or posted (details below).

As part of this consultation, a collection of appropriate documentation and associated material has been produced:

An accessible version of the Issues and Options document is available on request. Please contact

By post or email – You may respond in writing by e-mail at or to Wyre Council at Planning Policy, Civic Centre, Breck Road, Poulton-le-Fylde, FY6 7PU.

You will also be able to post comments in special response boxes which will be located in the reception at the Wyre Civic Centre and at the borough’s libraries.

Please note that all comments must be submitted in writing (which includes e-mail but NOT social media such as Twitter and Facebook) to be accepted and must contain your name and address.  Comments received will be made public (including the name of the respondent but not the address) and taken into account when we produce a revised version of the plan.

If you wish to be kept informed about progress on the Local Plan, please sign up to the Local Plan consultation database to receive email updates.

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