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Local Plan Full Review

Call for Sites

Previous Call for Sites

The council ran a ‘call for sites’ exercise for six weeks between January and March 2022 to seek sites, land or buildings in the borough that could have potential for future development, redevelopment or designation for:  

  • housing

  • employment and employment generating development

  • retail, leisure and commercial uses

  • gypsies and travellers and travelling showpeople

  • renewable, community and low carbon energy

  • nature recovery/ biodiversity net gain

  • natural flood management

An interactive map containing basic details for the submitted sites is available to view. Please note this map includes the 2022 sites, along with sites submitted during a further consultation in 2023.

The sites submitted were provided by land owners, site promoters, agents and developers. The council has not identified any of the sites included.

The council will consider the submitted sites when developing the new Local Plan. At this stage, the sites have not been assessed and no decision has been taken on which sites, if any, to include in the Local Plan. Until such a time as any site is formally allocated or designated, any submissions will have no weight as a material planning consideration in the determination of planning applications.

  • Please note that the site boundaries have been mapped digitally based upon the information submitted by the site promoter.  In some cases, based upon the accuracy of submitted information, a judgement has been made as to the precise boundary submitted.  If you notice any errors, please contact  
  • The submitted details may be subject to change during the assessment process as the details have not be verified.

The Council also undertook a call for sites exercise for Accommodation for Travelling Showpeople and Transit Provision for Gypsies and Travellers. This consultation took place between Wednesday 22 May to Friday 21 June 2024. The consultation has now closed. For further information click here.

Further information

If you have any queries, please contact the planning policy team on:


Telephone: 01253 881000

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