Cottam Hall Playing Fields masterplan
The master plan for the ‘Fields’ and redevelopment of the pavilion will serve to inform and create a high-quality and well-designed leisure and recreation space, to which local people of all ages will feel connected to, enjoy and be proud of. It will inform how the current Fields’ offer can be enhanced to create an improved multi-functional area promoting interaction between visitors, and accommodating use by community and sports groups. A Community Garden has also been created at Cottam Hall Playing Fields with the help of the In Bloom team and a gardening club meeting regularly. The community garden will host a programme of activities including creating hanging baskets and growing edible plants in pots etc. to help with the cost of living.
Public Consultation open until 20 September.
Have your say on future plans for Cottam Hall before 20 September. We want to hear your views on the future vision for Cottam Hall Playing Fields as a vibrant, multifunctional space that responds to ideas put forward by the community in a first round of consultation last year.
Learn more and complete the survey online at
The survey will close on Friday 20 September.