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Fixed penalty notices for environmental crimes

Subject Access Requests

Whilst the council are Data Controllers in their own rights, all access requests to information in relation to your FPN are processed by WISE.  

Should you wish to make a Subject Access Request or to make a request to invoke other rights, please do so by sending to the Data Protection Officer; Waste Investigations Support & Enforcement, Unit 11a Waterside Court, St Helens, Merseyside, WA9 1UA or you can email directly to

If you make a SAR directly to the council in relation to your FPN it will be forwarded immediately to WISE for processing. The council will inform you of this at the time your request is received.

However, should you have any concerns with how WISE are handling your personal data, then you can contact the council’s Data Officer at or you can view the council’s privacy notice at Your data and us – Wyre Council.

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