You can pay for the following services online:
- Pay your council tax. If you need to find out your council tax balance, you can do this online.
- Pay your business rates
- Pay back a housing benefit overpayment
- Pay a sundry debtor invoice
Or by telephone using our 24 hour automated payments service (01253) 887294 or 887295.
Follow the instructions to make a payment. Have your account reference number to hand when calling. Payments made by debit or credit card do not attract any extra charge.
If you need to find out your council tax balance, please register for an online account. You can find out more information about viewing your council tax online via our website.
Available services
- Request a blue bin
- Request a bulky waste collection
- Car park season ticket application
- Application or renewal of a dual driver licence
- Request for a re-visit: Food Hygiene Rating Scheme
- Order a replacement green bin subscription sticker
- Payment for grey bin
- Request a grey bin
- Application or renewal of a Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicle licence
- MOT booking form
- Request a copy of a personal alcohol licence or change licence details
- Application for a personal licence
- Request a red bin
- Application for registration of a non-commercial society lottery
- Application for a Wyre resident’s car parking permit scheme
- Application for a Scrap Metal Dealer licence
- Second hand goods dealer licence application form
- Request a set of bins
- Skin piercing, acupuncture and tattoo licence application form
- Temporary Event Notice