Wyre Council are delighted to announce the creation of our new Bike Referral Scheme. We have recently received over 100 new or Preowned Bikes, of different types sizes and shapes, all ready to be donated to people in need across the community. We also have a small number of adaptive bikes to donate, please let us know which type would be suitable.
The scheme will be based at the Marine Hall in Fleetwood and bikes will be stored in various drop off locations across the borough including various YMCA’s.
Applications for a Bike referral must be made by a reputable source, this can include:
- Social Prescriber
- GP
- Community Group EG – Fleetwood Town FC & Healthier Fleetwood
- Health & Wellbeing Advisor or Consultant
- Mental Health Specialist
- Job Centre/DWP
- Social Care Services
- Voluntary/Third Sector
Requesting a bike
Please email the completed Bike Referral Form below to community@wyre.gov.uk and await contact from an Officer.
If you require more information on the scheme or the eligibility criteria, please email:community@wyre.gov.uk.