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Outdoors, coast and parks volunteering

Coast and countryside volunteering

If you have some spare time at weekends and you enjoy spending time in Wyre's coast and countryside - why not join as a volunteer countryside ranger.

Volunteering opportunities include:

  • become a volunteer countryside ranger and help to look after Wyre's varied coast and countryside
  • join our work parties as a practical volunteer and help to look after Wyre's coast and countryside
  • interested in the coast? Become a waterfront volunteer
  • become a walk leader and help others appreciate and enjoy Wyre's coast and countryside
  • become a countryside visitor assistant at Wyre Estuary Country Park
  • join or start your own local conservation or friends group 
  • assist with the Wildlife Watch group or the RSPB Wildlife Explorers and help young people learn about Wyre's wonderful wildlife

Community litter picks

You will be working in areas across Wyre, including town centres, parks and open spaces, with the aim of creating independent groups which will meet regularly to carry out litter picks.

Keeping Wyre litter free is an ongoing task. There will always be public or privately owned land where litter gathers faster than expected, so we welcome the support of individuals and local communities who are keen to help improve the quality of their local area.

You will be:

  • patrolling open spaces, town centres or parks for litter
  • helping make your local area cleaner
  • supporting clean-up's after large events

No powered machinery is involved, and you will be provided with all the necessary equipment.

Work in this role may be physically demanding but rewarding - this is a great opportunity to get outdoors, be active and contribute to making your local area cleaner and greener.

Volunteer at Fleetwood Memorial Park

We welcome volunteers to help with a variety of projects and initiatives within the park, and to help support and develop this special community space. 

You could be preforming a variety of duties including: 

  • maintaining and tidying the grounds, pond and woodland
  • managing and providing general support for the permanent garden staff
  • helping with various research projects for future events
  • stewarding, meeting and greeting for events hosted at the park
  • maintaining and supporting community events in the demonstration garden
  • supporting parks staff working with local community groups and schools on educational programmes, events and guided walks

Other parks and open spaces volunteer opportunities

The councils parks and open spaces team are looking for volunteers to help with the upkeep of our parks and urban green spaces.

Duties include:

  • litter picking and emptying bins
  • edging lawns and grassed areas
  • weeding flower beds
  • pruning shrubs, roses and trimming hedges
  • sweeping/cleaning footpaths
  • maintaining the bowling greens
  • planting, seeding and watering

No powered machinery is involved.

This is a great opportunity to enjoy the borough's many open spaces, get out doors, be active, and contribute your gardening skills to the community.

How to volunteer

If you are interested in volunteering for one of our events or activities, please e-mail us at and we can arrange a time for an informal chat.

You can also apply by completing our online form:

Complete a volunteer application form

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