Art and health activities
We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help deliver arts and health activities in community buildings across Wyre. You will be fully supported to lead arts and crafts sessions to help people in our communities to learn fun and creative things and enjoy relaxed, social get togethers. All arts materials will be purchased by the council so there is no cost to yourself. All we ask is for a couple of hours of your time every week.
Activities include our Reminiscence Sessions, that invite people to see our interesting displays of old artefacts and objects, decades scrapbooks, and more.
Are you good at painting, drawing, crocheting, needlework, knitting, creative writing, paper crafts, or digital art? We’d love to hear from you!
Marine Hall
Do you fancy helping out with a show or do you have an interest in arts or drama? Marine Hall are looking for volunteers to provide support for performers and staff working behind the scenes.
Opportunities include:
- Meeting and greeting visitors
- Promoting forthcoming shows and events
- Assisting with hospitality
- Retail experience
- Delivering exceptional customer experience
How to volunteer for the arts and theatre
If you are interested in volunteering for one of our events or activities, please e-mail us at and we can arrange a time for an informal chat.
You can also apply by completing our online form: