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Parking and car parks

RingGo -paying for parking on your mobile phone

RingGo is a quick, easy to use mobile phone service, which lets you pay for your parking with a credit or debit card, rather than using cash at a machine. You can use this facility at all pay and display car parks, along with the central car park, Fleetwood (motor home overnight parking only).

You simply contact RingGo by smartphone app, over the phone, text or online, and pay for your parking by phone. There is no charge for registering with RingGo and no charge for downloading or using the RingGo smartphone applications. 

There is no convenience fee however there are optional fees for receipts and reminders.

Register with RingGo

You can pre-register with RingGo either by using the RingGo smartphone app which is available on the iPhone and Android app store. The app allows you to register for the service, locates your nearest RingGo zone, lets you manage your account and allows you to pay to park directly through the app. Alternatively you can register for RingGo online.

If you pre-register for the service you will be asked to provide the number plate, colour and make of your vehicle, and your payment card details. You can also register at the same time you want to park, either by using the RingGo apps or by calling the RingGo number: 020 3046 0010.

Automated phone service

To use the automated phone service, you simply call the telephone number on the signs when you want to park. RingGo will remember you (by recognising your mobile phone number) and ask you to:

  • confirm the vehicle you want to park
  • confirm the location where you want to park
  • say how long you want to stay, and
  • provide the security code from your credit card

Text to park

RingGo also offers a  ‘text to park' option. For details on how to set up the service for your particular location please go to myRingGo.

Extend your stay

Unlike normal parking sessions, you can remotely top up your parking fee when you use RingGo. If you want to extend your stay, simply contact RingGo and the service will ask you how long you want to extend and what your card security code is.

For general information about RingGo please visit the RingGo website.

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