Lists and registers
Information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the council
By appointment only:
- Register of electors - also available in Wyre's libraries
- Food safety public register – available for viewing by appointment only for a fee, as listed in the fees and charges
- Permitted processes register (Type B1)
All appointments are held at the Civic Centre. To make an appointment please contact us
- CCTV locations data
- Licensing register
- Local land charges register and search
- Council asset register
- List of assets of community value - includes the procedure for nominating an asset, along with helpful links about community rights
- Declaration of councillors' financial and other interest - records are held under the details section each councillor
- Parking spaces - free/pay and display
- Gifts and hospitality - codes of conduct for councillors and officers (part 5.06 -council constitution)
- Councillor gifts and hospitality register (search by councillor)
- Maps: The Wyre interactive mapping service is provided in partnership with Lancashire County Council. You can use MARIO (Maps and Related Information Online) to access information about an area in Wyre or Lancashire or look at services provided by the county council and its partners. Within the system you can find your street, your house, or anywhere else in the county.
Planning registers
- Enforcement register (2000 to present)
- Listed buildings register
- Planning application search
- Tree preservation order summary
- Article 4 Directions of the Town and Country Planning (Permitted Development) Order 1995
- Custom build and self-build housing register - this is not a public document, however headline results will appear in the annual Authority Monitoring Report (AMR)