Wyre Council’s budget was approved at Full Council on Thursday 6 March 2025, setting out the borough’s spending plans for the year ahead.
The approved budget means that council tax on a Band D property will rise by £6.77 (2.99%) which equates to just 13p per week. Wyre Council collects Council Tax on behalf of several bodies that provide services in the area, however Wyre’s portion represents just 10% of the total bill.
The Government announced that they would allow districts to increase council tax by up to 3% on a Band D equivalent property, and the council has decided to follow the government’s lead to maximise our spending power potential whilst keeping costs low for residents and continuing to provide Wyre Council’s vital front-line services.
Councillor Michael Vincent, Leader of Wyre Council introduced the budget and commented:
“We are always conscious that Wyre residents trust us with their money and we take that trust very seriously. From April, the overall cost for our services for a Band D property will be just 64p per day.
“Over the years, we have continued to navigate challenging times shrewdly, becoming debt free, whilst delivering our ambitious Council Plan and managing the resources needed to support its delivery. By setting a balanced budget yet again, we are demonstrating that we are delivering on our commitment to be a stable, well-run, forward-thinking council that puts customers first.
“We expect that the Government will further significantly reduce our funding in future years and so an increase is unavoidable if we are to continue to manage our finances responsibly.
“Our successful Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge last year reinforced our strong financial stewardship and commitment to delivering value-for-money services while charging one of the lowest council taxes in Lancashire. As we move forward, our refreshed Council Plan will build on this solid foundation. We will continue to support residents and local businesses and work to create a thriving, sustainable and welcoming community for everyone in Wyre.
“Since April 2024, we have awarded over £765,000 to our most vulnerable residents, helping those who have been worst affected by the increases in household energy prices and cost of living pressures. We also bid for an additional £10,000 last Autumn, which we shared equally across eight local foodbanks.
“We’ve recently launched the new Affordable Housing Delivery Programme, pledging £1.4m of developer contributions from housing sites across Wyre to deliver affordable housing in the borough. This exciting initiative breathes new life into empty, disused, or dilapidated properties, ultimately transforming them into safe and energy efficient homes for those in need.
“Our new state of the art CCTV control room is helping to create a safer environment for shoppers, business owners and residents, assisting in reducing the fear of crime and anti-social behaviour, helping to prevent crime as well as aiding in the prosecution of offenders.
“The Wyre Moving More mission continues to grow and inspire more of our community to be more active, more often, creating a culture where physical activity is an enjoyable and integral part of daily life for everyone. Our goal is to help residents lead healthier, happier lives for longer by embracing the many benefits of movement. The Wyre Moving More board, the strategic group behind the campaign have won the prestigious iNetwork Partnership Excellence Awards, testament to the ambition and innovation of the partnership.
“I’d like to thank everyone who has taken part in our recent Economic Development and Visitor Economy Strategy consultation. Your feedback has been invaluable to the development of the final strategy which will be submitted to Full Council for approval in April. This strategy sets out a comprehensive framework to help us achieve our vision for the future economic development of Wyre. It presents a simple, high-level view of how the council and our partner networks will continue to drive economic success and visitor growth across the borough.
“Our Wyre Business Awards attracted more than 100 applications, highlighting the diverse and thriving businesses across the borough and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) has been carefully invested in projects that are revitalising our town centres, boosting our local economy and supporting people. The Positive Futures in Wyre UKSPF project is providing support to help residents move closer toward the job market, through apprenticeships, volunteering, training and development, and employability support tailored to their individual needs. The Shaping Brighter Futures UKSPF project is changing the way that primary school children in Wyre see themselves, their future and the world of work. The project aims to inspire 1,600 children, provide 480 hours of learning, and create £284,160 in social value.
“Our vital £45m Wyre Beach Management coastal defence scheme is in the final stages, which, once complete this year will significantly reducing the risk of coastal erosion and flooding to more than 11,000 properties and provide critical infrastructure in the area. We’ve transitioned our council vehicles to hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) as a cleaner alternative to diesel and are working on projects that are enhancing local footpaths, beaches and coastal areas to improve safety and biodiversity. We’ve planted approximately 19,342 trees, bringing us 77% towards our target to plant 25,000 trees by 2025 and we once again, earned five Green Flag awards, recognising the outstanding quality of our parks, thanks to the hard work of our staff and volunteers.
“Over the past year, I am proud of the progress Wyre Council has made towards our shared Council Plan vision of making Wyre “a place where everyone can prosper.” Communities remain at the heart of everything we do and we will continue to find new ways of working, improving our services and providing excellent value for money.”