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Wyre Council advances local UKSPF funded projects

In December 2022 Wyre Council was awarded £3.9 million after their investment plans for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) were approved by Government.

Work is now well underway to deliver Wyre Council’s UKSPF plans which were written in consultation with Wyre’s Town Centre Partnership boards and other local organisations ensuring that the plans and all priorities identified, work to fundamentally benefit the people in Wyre.

There are around 15 projects currently progressing, which range in scope from local creative activities like events, festivals and arts programmes, through to larger scale projects that support businesses, existing town centre CCTV upgrade, the development of community facilities and improvements to our parks and public realm, as well as a multitude of other exciting projects in between for heritage, climate change, community and voluntary group development and more.

Progress of these exciting plans is already taking place across the whole of the borough, with allocations of the funding going towards the following diverse and dynamic projects:

Blue Plaque heritage programme

Wyre Council are supporting Fleetwood Civic Society on an initiative to have Blue Plaques installed on buildings in the town which commemorate a historical link with a location and/or a noteworthy person. There is a public consultation taking place currently, to get residents to suggest their preferred choices, take part online here:

Multiple Arts Programme

Funding has also been granted to facilitate a fantastic, diverse, Multiple Arts Programme in Cleveleys, supporting the Cleveleys Town Centre Group and Partnership Board with their ambitions to create a rolling calendar of exciting events for the town over the next 2 years. You can follow Visit Cleveleys to keep up to date on the brilliant activities and events to come!

Development of a new carers group

In consultation with the Greater Garstang Partnership Board, Wyre Council are supporting the provision of a brand new Carers’ Group for the town and surrounding villages over the next three years. For more information and meeting dates, contact

Cottam Hall Playing Fields community garden

Wyre Council is working with Poulton in Bloom on the development of a beautiful new Community Garden at Cottam Hall Playing Fields. This is just one part of a wider, large-scale project, working to renovate and futureproof Cottam Hall in Poulton, to be utilised and enjoyed to its full potential in the years to come.

Fleetwood Market improvements

Fleetwood Market is going through an exciting period of rejuvenation currently, with vital funding and investment helping to enable the significant improvement works underway which will support its future as a key attraction in the borough. You can read more about the Fleetwood Market works here.

Net Zero business support

An allocation of UKSPF funds has also gone towards the development of Wyre’s Low Carbon Business Support, to be delivered by the East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce. Wyre Council values all businesses across the borough, the contribution they make to local economy and the important role they play in tackling climate change and this one to one business support will be a vital tool to help businesses take control of their own environmental impact. Learn more here: Businesses – Wyre Council

Heritage Action Zone Cultural Programme, Fleetwood event

Wyre Council have also provided funds to go towards the creation of a brand new event in Fleetwood for 2023. Plans are being developed to create a mass participation event featuring light based installations in multiple formats across different town centre venues and landmarks.

Cleveleys and Garstang Town Centre Studies

Significant investment has been awarded to both Cleveleys and Garstang to aid in the development of their respective Town centre studies, which will be used to underpin and inform the proposed planned improvements to our public realm for 2025.

Provisional grants have also been awarded for the development of the ‘Spot On’ festival Poulton and Over Wyre, ‘Fleetwood Moves’ festival in Fleetwood and ‘Garstang Glow’ in Garstang. These arts and events activities will include indoor and outdoor theatre, inclusive dance performances and workshops, light and sound experiential trails and more.

Wyre Council have also secured £400k for the Rural England Prosperity Fund, looking to support local community infrastructure and circular economy, green space improvements, active travel enhancements and businesses, and have recently held a call for the rural business grant programme to assist businesses diversify.

Expressions of interest are currently being taken for the Rural Community Facilities Fund until Sunday 6 August. The aim of this fund is to develop and improve rural community facilities, promoting further use of community assets and encouraging the provision of additional activities, learn more and apply at

Councillor Peter le Marinel, Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy and Economic Development said,

“It is wonderful to see the progress being made on such a fantastic set of projects across the borough that will have a hugely positive impact across our communities. We are keen to continue this progress and deliver our ambitious plans over the next two years supporting the overarching aims of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to build pride of place, drive economic development and increase the quality of life for the people in Wyre.”

Wyre Council received £3.9million from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in December 2022, you can read more about Wyre Council’s UKSPF plans and projects here:

Published: 25th July 2023

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