Don’t forget to vote! Local elections are happening on Thursday 4 May where you’ll get your chance to elect the representatives who will help to shape and make decisions on Wyre Council’s services.
Find the full list of candidates on Wyre Council’s website at www.wyre.gov.uk/localelectioncandidates
Voter ID
For the first time, residents in Wyre will need to show photographic ID to vote at this year’s local elections. Please remember, if you are voting at a polling station to take your accepted form of ID or your Voter Authority Certificate.
You will only need to show one form of photo ID, but it needs to be the original version and not a photocopy. This ID can be current or expired as long as the image is recognisable as the person turning up to vote. Photocopies of ID are not acceptable – they must be original documents. For the full list of accepted ID please visit the Electoral Commission’s website electoralcommission.org.uk/voterID
If you are voting by proxy, the person you choose to vote on your behalf will need to go to your polling station to vote and will need to show their own photo ID to be able to cast your vote. They will not need to show your ID when voting on your behalf.
Polling Stations
Wyre’s polling stations will be open between 7am until 10pm on polling day and you can find the locations of all polling stations at Wyre Council’s website here at www.wyre.gov.uk/pollingstations
It’s an easy, simple process at the polling stations. A member of staff will take your name and address, find you on the electoral register, check your photo ID or Voter Authority Certificate and then offer you your ballot paper for you to make your vote in one of the polling booths.
Please remember, staff at the polling station are there to help. If you have any accessibility requirements or require any assistance at any point, just ask.
Warren Ward polling
The election for the Warren Ward of Wyre Council will be rearranged following the sad death of candidate Brian Crawford and will now go ahead on Thursday 22 June. All other polls on Thursday 4 May 2023 will go ahead as planned.
New poll cards will be sent to all affected voters shortly which will tell voters how to arrange a postal or proxy vote if they cannot make it to the polling station on Thursday 22 June. Any postal votes already returned will no longer count and postal voters will be receive a new postal vote.
Emergency Proxy
If you are suddenly unable to vote in person, because you have a medical emergency which prevents you from attending on polling day, or your occupation, service or employment means that you cannot go to the polling station in person, and you only become aware of that fact after the deadline, then you may be entitled to appoint an emergency proxy.
You can apply for an emergency proxy up until 5pm on polling day. You should contact Wyre Council’s Electoral Services team to ask about this.
For more information on Wyre's Local Elections please visit Wyre Council’s website at www.wyre.gov.uk/elections or for advice, please contact Wyre Council’s Electoral Services team on 01253 887236 or email electoral.services@wyre.gov.uk
For all information please visit wyre.gov.uk/elections