Wyre Council has launched their open space survey that contributes to the vision of Wyre as a healthy, happy and greener place.
People who live and work in Wyre are being invited help shape the planning and delivery of local public open space, also known as green infrastructure by completing a quick and simple survey about the borough’s open spaces. Local parks and gardens, nature reserves, woodland, play areas, provisions for teenagers, allotments, cemeteries, churchyards, memorials, cycle ways, beaches, promenades and more.
The survey is open for all residents to take part in between Friday 3 February and Friday 17 March 2023 and is available to complete online here, or using a printed form at your local library or Wyre Civic Centre.
Wyre has an incredible variety of high quality public open space including 5 green flag award winning parks. These open spaces provide vital opportunities for recreation, socialising, tourism and wildlife, making an important contribution to the health and well-being of our community, our ecosystems and the borough’s economy.
Consultants are working on behalf of Wyre council to prepare an audit of public open space across the borough Council. The aim of the audit is to identify the different types of green spaces across the borough, to assess the quality of this space and to understand how it can be improved, including accessibility.
Cllr Michael Vincent, Leader of Wyre Council comments,
“We are keen for people to engage with our survey and to let us know their thoughts around our open spaces. This feedback will help us to determine priorities and inform our future open space plans. Wyre benefits from some remarkable natural features and we are committed to enhancing this in our borough by providing accessible, high quality open spaces that meet the needs and aspirations of our local communities, local people and people who work in and visit Wyre.”
Have your say and take part in the open spaces survey 2022. The survey is open for all residents to take part in from Friday 3 February and must be completed by 5pm Friday 17 March.
To learn more and to complete the survey online, visit www.wyre.gov.uk/openspaces
The survey can also be completed as a paper copy at your local library or Wyre Council's Civic Centre.