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Tell us how you think Garstang can be improved

Greater garstang town partnership group logo

The Greater Garstang Partnership Board would like to hear residents and businesses’ views on how Garstang can be improved over the next 15 years.

The board will be holding a consultation drop in event at St Thomas’ Church Hall in Garstang on Tuesday 24 August 3pm – 7pm.

The Greater Garstang Partnership Board, established to help facilitate a vibrant future for the town and surrounding villages, is launching a consultation into how the public think Garstang should progress. The consultation, funded by Wyre Council’s Town Centre Strategy Fund, will help the board to develop a Regeneration and Investment Framework for the town.

The board, supported by consultants from the renowned IBI Group, will work closely with local organisations to identify projects which will benefit local people and form the basis of bids for funding these projects. It is hoped that these projects will also attract future investment in the area.

Councillor Alice Collinson, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development, commented: “As a ward councillor for Garstang, as well as cabinet member for this service area, I encourage all residents and businesses in the area to have their say on the future of Garstang.

“Garstang already has so much to offer; a 21st Century market town that is proud of its heritage and ambitious for its future. It is a gateway to Lancashire’s great outdoors, a focal point for its surrounding communities and a distinctive visitor destination with a high quality, locally focussed offer.

“We are keen to hear from locals on how we can better what Garstang already has to offer to allow the town to flourish with the times.”

The consultation will offer three proposals for the town, starting with modest changes and concluding with more significant changes. However, the consultation is also an opportunity for the public to tell the board their initial thoughts outside of the proposals.

Jan Finch, Chair of the Greater Garstang Partnership Board, commented: “The Board has been working closely with the consultants from IBI who have significant experience in this kind of work and this is the first opportunity for local people to get involved to help shape the future of our town and surrounding area.

“These opportunities don’t come along very often so I’d encourage everyone to have a look at the proposals and let us know what you think, either on the day by attending the event or using the online consultation option.”

Wyre Council will be hosting the consultation online for residents and businesses to have their say. The consultation opens Tuesday 24 August and closes Sunday 5 September. Visit St Thomas’ Church Hall, Church Street, Garstang PR3 1PA on Tuesday 24 August between 3pm-7pm to view the proposals. Alternatively, visit to view the proposals and have your say online.

Published: 12th August 2021

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