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Workforce equality information

Wyre Council is required to publish a range of workforce data under its duties contained within the Equalities Act 2010. The information published here includes data on gender, disability, ethnicity, age, sickness absence and leavers.

Workforce Report 31 March 2024.

Number of employees

Headcount: 332

Age profile

Age profile workforce equality data
Age band Percentage of headcount Actual number
16 to 24 4% 14
25 to 34 14% 46
35 to 44 20% 65
45 to 54 23% 78
55 to 64 33% 110
65 and over 6% 19

The average age of our workforce is 48.

Length of service profile

Length of service Percentage of headcount Actual number
Less than 1 year 14.5% 48
1 to 2 years 11% 36
2 to 5 years 17.5% 58
5 to 10 years 17% 56
10 to 15 years 9% 30
15 to 20 years 10% 34
20 years and over 21% 71

Gender profile

Gender Percentage of headcount Actual number
Males 50.3% 167
Females 49.7% 165

Ethnicity profile

The ethnicity of 98% of employees is ‘White British’. The remaining 2% fall within the following ethnicity groups:

Black Caribbean
Black African
White other

Disability profile

Percentage of headcount: 6%

Actual number: 20

Sickness absence 2021 - 2022

The average Number of FTE days lost per employee is 8.71.

Numbers for reasons of absence are as follows:

  • Virus: 42
  • Surgery minor: 75
  • Surgery major: 97
  • Stress - depress work: 135
  • Stress - depress personal: 469
  • Stomach/liver/kidney: 147
  • R.T.A (not ind. injury): 3
  • Other musculo-skeletal: 209
  • Other: 276
  • Neurological: 85
  • Migraine/headache: 77
  • Infection: 10
  • Heart/blood pressure/circulation: 18
  • Gynaecology: 4
  • Genito-urinary: 51
  • Fractures: 50
  • Eye/ear/nose/mouth: 100
  • Coronavirus symptoms: 70
  • Cold/flu: 139
  • Chest/respiratory: 36
  • Back pain: 52

Number of leavers 2021 - 2022

Headcount: 55

Reason for leaving headcount:

  • Voluntary resignation: 21
  • Voluntary redundancy: 1
  • Normal retirement (65): 4
  • Flexible retirement: 8
  • End of temporary contract: 14
  • Early retirement: 4
  • Dismissal: 1
  • Death in service: 1
  • Compulsory redundancy: 1
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