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Affordable homes to rent

Rent to Buy helps tenants in England save for a deposit to buy a home by offering properties at a discount. You can find out more about this here Rent to Buy: pay lower rent to save for a deposit: Overview - GOV.UK (

Social Rent is a low-cost rental home, where the rent is set by a government formula – these homes are often referred to as ‘Council Houses’ or ‘Housing Association properties’. Applicants often have to register for social housing and usually have to meet an eligibility criteria. Wyre Council does not own its own social housing. To register for social housing in Wyre please continue to the following website My Home Choice Fylde coast. You can find more information about social housing here What is social housing - Shelter England

Affordable Rent is rent that is set at up to 80% of the market rent (including service charges). The route to accessing affordable rent is usually the same as the process to access social rented homes as described above.

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