Green Waste Collection Service
You can now subscribe to our green waste collection service for collections between 1 July 2025 - 30 June 2026.
There are 22 fortnightly green waste collections per year and a brief closure over the festive period. You can subscribe to Wyre Council’s Green Waste Collections Service at any time during the year.
You can share the subscription with a neighbour, but you will have to decide which property will register and pay for the service.
The service does not include the purchase of a green bin. You can request a green bin online if you do not already have one.
Please note:
- Only garden waste must be placed in the green bin.
- Collection dates and times remain the same. Find your bin collection day if you do not know your dates.
- There will be no collections over the festive period.
- You must be logged in to your myWyre account to sign up or resubscribe.
View terms and conditions of the service
Apply online for a green waste subscription starting 1 July 2025
You can still subscribe to our green waste collection service for collections before 30 June 2025, please call our contact centre on 01253 891000.