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Environment evidence

Strategic flood risk assessments (Levels 1 and 2)


In accordance with the NPPF a Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) has been produced for the Fylde Coast Authorities. This assesses the risk of flooding from all sources, both now and in the future, whilst accounting for the impacts of climate change, and to assess the impact the land use changes and development in the area will have on flood risk.

If development cannot be sustainably located, a level 2 SFRA will be required.

Level 1 SFRA (2024)

The Level 1 SFRA is also accompanied by supporting GeoPDF maps. To utilise these, Adobe (Acrobat) software is required. It is recommended that users first determine the area of interest to establish which map to download. 

A guidance note has been produced to assist applicants on the interpretation of functional floodplain.

For the avoidance of doubt, an interactive map has been produced which displays Flood Zone 3b only.

Level 2 (2016)

The level 2 SFRA in Wyre is made up of several documents which can be viewed by clicking on the links below:

Level 2 SFRA Flood Maps (Jacobs):

If development for the Wyre Local Plan 2022-2040 cannot be sustainably located, a new Level 2 SFRA will be required.

Archived evidence

This evidence was originally produced to support the Adopted Wyre Local Plan (2011 - 2031) (incorporating partial update of 2022).

Level 1 SFRA (2016)


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