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Temporary road closures: how to apply

Wyre Council can only close highways for certain events, under section 21 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847. These include events such as gala processions, car shows, and festivals. Some larger events may fall under this act, and will need a road closure approval from Lancashire County Council as highways authority for the borough.

There is no charge for the making or monitoring of a closure order at this time. However, this may change in the future.

If you do no know which application to make, please get in touch with the arts and events team via their email:

Part 1 - application

It is for the event organiser to carefully consider where the safest location for your event is and only apply to use the public highway if there is no alternative.

You must:

  • complete a valid road closure application form at least three calendar months before your event date, or it may not be dealt with in time
  • prepare a risk assessment to accompany your application form. For more guidance on this visit Health and Safety Executive - event safety.
  • prepare a clear road map, with street names clearly visible, showing your closure route and the surrounding area. The following should be clearly marked on your map: Diversion routes, where marshals will be stationed, where barriers and cones will be placed, and exact locations where signs will be placed. You will need to state what these signs will say
  • prepare a traffic management plan, including the number of marshals, closure points and details of your traffic management company if you are using one
  • appoint a suitably qualified person to place signs, barriers, and cones on the highway. The council does not provide this service
  • obtain all other necessary temporary event notices from the council prior to your event
  • obtain a use of land licence if applicable

Part 2 - approval from the Highways Authority, Streetworks team and Traffic Management

You should send the completed application form, risk assessment and traffic management plan to the following for their approvals:

1. Lancashire County Council Street Works Team: and copy to

2. Lancashire County Council Highways team: 

3. Mark Proctor, Traffic Management Facilitator:

Written evidence will be required from all three advising they have no objection to the closure request. It is your responsibility to obtain this. 

Part 3 - apply to Wyre Council

If there is no objection to your road closure request from all of the authorities mentioned in part 2, you can then forward your application form and all supporting documentation to for the council to prepare the closure order. If the is an objection the council will not proceed with your application.

Application checklist

Every application must include the following documents, submitted at the same time, at least three calendar months prior to your event. If anything is missing it will be returned to you for completion and may result in it being too late to make an order:

  • the road closure application form, fully completed and signed
  • a road map, as described in part 1
  • your traffic management plan, as described in part 1
  • a copy of your public liability insurance (minimum £5 million) that is valid on the date of the event
  • a list of contact details for those involved in the application for a road closure, and a contact number that can be made available to the public for enquiries made regarding the event
  • a full risk assessment for the event
  • copies of correspondence from the Highways Authority, Streetworks Team, and Traffic Management stating they have no objection to your application

Once your application is processed we will get in touch with you to confirm the closure order can be made. We will also send you a notice which is to be publicly displayed on the roads affected at least seven days prior to the closure. It is a legal requirement to do this.

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