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Police and Crime Commissioner elections

There are 41 Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) in England and Wales. They are elected to make sure the police are run properly. 

They work with the police and other partners to cut crime and give the public a voice at the highest level. Your PCC will do this by:

  • being directly accountable to the scrutiny of the public
  • having the democratic mandate to respond to local people's concerns
  • setting local force's policing priorities and force budget
  • working with local partners to prevent crime
  • holding their Chief Constable to account for the performance of the force
  • appointing, and where necessary dismissing, the Chief Constable. 

PCCs are elected to make sure that local police meet the needs of the community. You can contact your local PCC about:

  • how your area is policed
  • the police budget
  • the amount of council tax charged for the police
  • the information you get about what the local police are doing

How are they elected?

You will receive one ballot paper which will list the PCC candidates. You will only be able to vote for one candidate, by putting a cross [X] in the box next to your choice. The candidate with the largest share of the votes wins.

Who is eligible to vote?

To vote in a Police and Crime Commissioner election you must:

  • be registered to vote
  • be 18 or over on the day of the election (polling day)
  • be a British, Commonwealth or EU citizen
  • be resident at an address in England or Wales (excluding London)
  • not be legally excluded from voting
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