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FOI001432 - ITSM software - Freedom of Information disclosure log


 I am writing to you to submit a Freedom of Information (FOI) request regarding your ITSM software.
To facilitate the process, we would be grateful if you could please confirm receipt of this email and respond to the questions below:

1. Number of employees
2. Number of IT staff
3. Current ITSM solution
4. Cloud or on-premise
5. If on-premise, do you have a cloud migration strategy?
6. If yes, please share more details, including budget allocation.
7. Number of licenses
8. Length of contract
9. Contract expiry date
10. Contract review date
11. Annual cost of contract
12. Total cost of contract
13. Person responsible for the software and their contact details
14. Person responsible for any future projects on reviewing or replacing the software and their contact details


Thank you for your email where you have requested information regarding Wyre Councils ITSM software - Please accept my apology for the delay in responding.

In relation to your request, please find the response below.

1. Number of employees

Approximately 330

2. Number of IT staff

12 ICT Staff

3. Current ITSM solution

Our current ITSM solution is Topdesk, however we are transitioning to an internally developed system within SharePoint and expect to have moved to this fully by the time our Topdesk contract is due for renewal.

4. Cloud or on-premise

Topdesk is a cloud based solution.

5. If on-premise, do you have a cloud migration strategy?


6. If yes, please share more details, including budget allocation.

The migration to SharePoint will not incur any additional costs over and above what we currently pay for our M365 licenses.

7. Number of licenses

Topdesk is licensed for ten users.

8. Length of contract

1 year.

9. Contract expiry date


10. Contract review date

Prior to 30/03/2024

11. Annual cost of contract


12. Total cost of contract


13. Person responsible for the software and their contact details

Jordan Cartmell, ICT Service Delivery Lead

14. Person responsible for any future projects on reviewing or replacing the software and their contact details

Lee Brophy, ICT Service Delivery Manager

Date sent
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