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FOI001460 - House in multiple occupation software licensing and contract - Freedom of Information disclosure log


I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I have been unable to find the correct individual to address my letter to, so in order to assist you with this request, I am outlining my query as specifically as possible:

Can you please provide me with the following information:-

1. Who is responsible for HMO/ Selective/ Additional Licensing?
2. Their contact details - email address and phone number.
3. What software are you using for HMO/ Selective/ Additional Licensing? For example, Metastreet, Idox, Verso, Civica.
4. What is the renewal date for the software contract?
5. What schemes are you looking to introduce, i.e. selective/ additional?


Thank you for your email where you requested information about licencing HMO’s.

1. Who is responsible for HMO/ Selective/ Additional Licensing?
Private Sector Housing

2. Their contact details - email address and phone number.
David McArthur

3. What software are you using for HMO/ Selective/ Additional Licensing? For example, Metastreet, Idox, Verso, Civica.

4. What is the renewal date for the software contract?
01/04/23 to 31/03/28

5. What schemes are you looking to introduce, i.e. selective/ additional?
None, mandatory licensing only.

Date sent
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