Our vision
Wyre is a place where everyone can prosper. We want everyone in Wyre to have access to jobs and share the benefits of economic growth; live in thriving, safe, more environmentally sustainable and welcoming communities; and be healthier and independent for longer.
Making our vision a reality
Our commitments in four key areas will support our vision. These commitments form our actions and our plans. Over the next four to eight years we will:
People and communities
- Support people to help themselves and live independently in their own homes
- Provide support to those who need it, including our most vulnerable and financially disadvantaged residents and our ageing population
- Improve feelings of safety and work with partners to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour
- Improve our leisure facilities ensuring they meet the needs of our residents and visitors
- Provide opportunities for people to lead healthy and active lifestyles
- Improve the quality of life for individuals by tackling loneliness and isolation
Growth and prosperity
- Develop Wyre’s town centres to be thriving and welcoming places to live, work and visit
- Support and champion Wyre’s growing tourism economy by promoting our coast to countryside offer, tourism businesses, attractions and events
- Grow the local economy through delivering the best support for small businesses and start-ups
- Encourage local people to develop new skills to access better paid work
- Secure external funding and investment to make improvements to places across the borough
- Promote and support low carbon businesses and jobs
Place and climate
- Build pride in our borough by ensuring our town centres and neighbourhoods are clean, attractive and well looked after
- Ensure our towns and villages are supported by integrated infrastructure
- Explore innovative approaches to reduce carbon emissions from council operations and support our communities and businesses to do the same
- Work with partners to reduce the risk of flooding to homes and businesses across Wyre
- Provide high quality parks and open spaces for everyone to enjoy
Innovative and customer focused
- Deliver high quality, value for money services that meet the needs of our customers
- Use technology to improve how we work and the services we provide
- Use our land and buildings wisely, managing them to appropriate standards, reducing their environmental impact and maximising income to reinvest in improving services
- Use data, business intelligence and research to inform us in making better evidence-based decisions and improve our services
- Build trust in the council by engaging with our customers and delivering on our promises
The next ten years
Over the next ten years, we will also:
- Work with partners to deliver on the return of rail or the delivery of light rail to Thornton and Fleetwood
- Seek public and private investment into the borough to deliver economic development
- Work with partners to ensure Wyre is healthier, safer and more environmentally sustainable