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Council structure

Officers of the council

The council employs staff to give advice, implement its decisions and to manage the day-to-day delivery of council services. Council employees are known as "officers" and they are led by the Chief Executive supported by four directors.

Chief Executive

Rebecca Huddleston is the Chief Executive. She is the principal policy advisor to the council and is the Returning Officer whenever there is an election. She has direct management responsibility for the council's three Corporate Directors.

Corporate Directors

Mark Billington is the Director of Environment and has management responsibility for environment, public protection, engineering and environmental services.

Clare James is the Director of Finance and Governance and has management responsibility for finance, revenues and benefits, and governance and legal.

Marianne Hesketh is the Corporate Director of Communities and has management responsibility for planning and building control, housing, leisure and communities, assets and development projects.

Sarah Palmer is the Director of Transformation and Change and has management responsibility for policy, communications and visitor economy, ICT, HR and OD, systems, contact centre, economic development and commercial.

The Council Constitution

The constitution sets out how the council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Read the Council Constitution.

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