Improve your wellbeing with singing groups!
Singing is a great way to relieve stress, so why not come along, meet some new friends and sing songs you love at the following singing groups across Wyre. There’s no experience necessary and everyone is welcome!
Sing out strong
Garstang United Reformed Church
Sessions on Monday afternoons from 2pm - 3.15pm. The cost is £2 per session.
Hambleton Village Hall
Sessions on Tuesday afternoons from 2pm - 3.15pm. The cost is £2 per session.
Harmony and Health
Marine Hall, Fleetwood
Sessions are every Tuesday 1.30pm - 3pm, and cost £1 per session.
Thornton Little Theatre
Sessions are every Tuesday 10.30am - 12pm, and cost £1 per session.
For more information
For the Thornton & Fleetwood groups contact Shirley on 07940 030 925.
For the Garstang & Hambleton groups contact Ann on 07966 126 999 or email ann.cameron@mac.com
You can also contact Marine Hall box office on 01253 887693.