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Funding, grants and finance

Funding or grants for your existing or new start business

Access to Finance - Access to Finance service is delivered by a team of highly experienced specialist finance advisors, providing an impartial, confidential and professional service to their clients.

Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs - UK government department responsible for safeguarding our natural environment, supporting our world-leading food and farming industry, and sustaining a thriving rural economy.

Chamber Low Carbon - a government funded initiative that supports businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and transition to net zero.

European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Apply to run projects backed by ESIF - includes money from the European Social Fund (ESF), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) Grant aid is available under the EMFF programme 2014-2020. The fund will: help fisherman in the transition to sustainable fishing, support coastal communities in diversifying their economies, finances projects that create new jobs, and makes it easier for applicants to access funding.

Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) As experts in business, they offer members a wide range of vital business services including advice, financial expertise, support and a powerful voice in government. Their mission is to help smaller businesses achieve their ambitions.

Growth Lancashire - provides grants and international trade support to manufacturing businesses with the potential for economic growth.

Invest in Lancashire - international business - a bespoke service aimed at attracting international businesses to Lancashire

Lancashare To find out about the latest funding, tendering and business support opportunities across Lancashire.

Lancaster University work with businesses of all sizes in many ways, including contract and collaborative research, supporting student projects, placements and internships, training, guest lectures and events.

North and Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce - the region’s largest business membership organisation representing 1,600 members in Lancashire, which can give your business an operational and competitive edge.

Rosebud Finance, Enterprise Ventures - Rosebud Finance was set up by Lancashire County Council in 1986 to help generate wealth and employment and improve access to loan finance for small/medium enterprises in Lancashire. 

Rural Development Programme England (RDPE) - The RDPE provides money for projects to improve agriculture, the environment and rural life.

Start Up Loans - A government funded scheme to provide advice, business loans and mentoring to start-up businesses.

The Prince's Trust - Assistance for qualifying 18-30 year olds wishing to start up in business, through business planning, low interest loans, grants, mentors and other support.

UClan (The University of central Lancashire) offer a wide range of specialist business support aimed at helping the region's SMEs grow.

UK Business Angels Association - Offers advice on equity funding for small businesses, bringing them together with angel networks, private investors, early stage funds and professional advisors.

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