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Wyre Business Awards

The awards

Boost Growth Business of the Year

This award will be based on the level of growth demonstrated and the effectiveness of the strategy for continued growth.

Our judges will be looking for product/service innovation, ambition and a clear vision of your business offer. 

Business Person of the Year

This award will go to a business person or entrepreneur who shows outstanding initiative, boldness and imagination in the enterprise, as well as sound management practices.

Our judges will be looking for entrepreneurial and leadership skills and evidence of how you have responded to opportunities and challenges, and made your business successful.

Chamber Low-Carbon Climate Action Award

Taking climate action in business terms means reducing or removing the harmful impact that products and/or services can have on the environment.

This award is open to any business that has implemented a strategic approach to reduce their carbon footprint or businesses that have developed products or services which will have a significant impact on reducing carbon emissions.

Our judges will be looking for a commitment to the sustainable business practices, a vision for the next three to five years, and proven success during the past 12 months with embedding of ‘green’ working practices, such as local supply chains and training staff in green technologies.

Community & Charity Organisation of the Year

This award is open to any charitable organisation or a community/social enterprise trading in Wyre with a social purpose and/or a not-for-profit basis.          

Entrants must be able to demonstrate an innovative approach to the way in which the enterprise operates and/or meet its own primary objectives. They must also be able to show that they make a positive impact on society/communities and a positive impact on the lives of individuals, particularly working in a manner which helps vulnerable and/or disadvantaged individuals to help themselves.

Our judges will be looking for the impact on local groups/area, how you fulfil your social mission, demonstration of ethical management and leadership and examples of the commitment of staff.

Corporate Social Responsibility Award

Corporate social responsibility, or CSR, is a form of self-regulation that reflects a business’s accountability and commitment to contributing to the well-being of communities and society through various environmental and social measures. Judges will be looking for evidence in four areas: Environmental Responsibility (reducing carbon footprint, recycling, etc.); Ethical Responsibility (ensuring an organization is operating in a fair and ethical manner); Philanthropic Responsibility (actively making the world and society a better place, e.g. charitable work, volunteering, etc.); Economic Responsibility (the practice of grounding financial decisions in a commitment to do good in the other areas listed).

This could be based on a project that improves the wellbeing of people living, working and visiting Wyre.

Food, Drink & Accommodation Business of the Year

This award will be presented to a business that offers food, beverage and/or accommodation service excellence. Food & drink service businesses include restaurants, pub or hotel restaurants, cafés, tea rooms, coffee shops, bistros etc. The accommodation sector is incredibly broad, ranging from caravan grounds to luxurious resorts.

The judges are looking for businesses within the hospitality industry that offer outstanding eating, drinking or lodging, innovative service and excellence throughout their entire operation.

Entrants must make a significant contribution to tourism in their area, with a food and drink offering that includes quality, locally-sourced produce.

Health, Beauty and Wellbeing Business of the Year

Open to all businesses that are included in the health, beauty and wellbeing sectors, such as skincare, haircare, makeup, fragrances, wellness products, and fitness services.

The judges will be looking for evidence of extensive expertise in the sector and a commitment to meeting and exceeding industry standards.

With passion, skill, and a commitment to uplifting their clients, these businesses exemplify excellence in this ever-evolving area of business.

You should explain what makes your business stand out from the competition.

Micro Business of the Year

Open to all companies with no more than ten employees (i.e. 1-9).

Successful entrants will need to show excellent and outstanding achievement in all aspects of their business.  You should explain what makes your business stand out from the competition.

Our judges will be looking for innovation, ambition and a clear vision of your business offer.   

New Business of the Year

Open to all companies which have been trading for less than two years at time of application.

Entrants must be able to show how their business has progressed in line with their business plan. Success will be proven by the business and its employees having a clear understanding of their products, competitors and the marketplace in which the business operates.    

Judges will be looking for evidence of you achieving your objectives, growth, financial sustainability, innovation and how you have overcome challenges and embraced opportunities.

Rural Business of the Year

This award is given to the business that is based in a rural location and has demonstrated strong growth, exceptional financial returns, innovation strategies, and market leadership.

Entrants must demonstrate outstanding achievement in all areas of their business. This award is one of the highest accolades and will be presented to the business most able to demonstrate all-round achievement.

Our judges will be looking for a clear vision for the future, proven success in the previous 12-18 months,   a commitment to the local rural community including local job creation, sustained growth, purposeful management action, ethical leadership, and a business that is a standard bearer for success in Wyre.

Small Business of the Year

Open to all companies with more than nine and fewer than 50 employees (i.e. 10-49). Successful entrants will need to show excellent and outstanding achievement in all aspects of their business.  You should explain what makes your business stand out from the competition.

The judges will be looking for innovation, ambition and a clear vision of your business offer. 

Social Media Award

This award is open to any business in Wyre that can demonstrate how they have used social media to better engage with their audience. Entrants will be able to demonstrate how they used social media either as part of an integrated campaign or how they consistently engage with their targeted audience to secure media results. This award will be open to any business operating in Wyre including professional services, hospitality, marketing/PR agencies.

Our judges will be looking for innovative approaches, proven engagement with the target audience, variety and accessibility of media used and positive impact on the business.

Team of the Year

This award is open to work teams of all sizes and types. This can be a regular, long-standing work team or a short-term, project team.  Nominees will have demonstrated excellent collaboration in the creative and effective ways they discharge their responsibilities.

The judges will be looking for outstanding performance in the face of work challenges, creative teamwork and collaborative working, innovative problem solving, and an inclusive team culture.

Tourism Business of the Year

This award will be presented to the business that can demonstrate the most significant contribution to improving the Wyre’s offering as a tourism destination over the past year.    

Examples of contribution could be a marketing campaign or strategy which has attracted more visitors to the district, a refurbishment programme, excellent customer service or partnership work.

Our judges will be looking for excellent customer experience, staff training and development, innovative/creative marketing.

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