Contractor and Principal Contractor
anyone (including a client, but not a domestic client) who, in their business carries out, manages or controls any building work.
Duties include:
- Must not start any building work unless satisfied the client understands their responsibilities
- Ensure the building work they perform complies with the building regulations
- Plan, manage and monitor building work to ensure it complies with the building regulations
- Communicate and collaborate with the client, designers and other contractors to ensure compliance with the building regulations
- Provide appropriate supervision, instructions and information to all workers under their control to ensure compliance with the relevant regulations
- Provide adequate information about the work to assist the client, other contractors and designers to comply with all relevant requirements
- If working on only part of the building work consider other construction aspects and report any compliance concerns to the Principal Contractor.
Principal Contractor
the contractor appointed by the client or domestic client to carryout the responsibilities as set out in the Regulations.
Duties include:
- Plan, manage and monitor building work during the construction phase
- Cooperate with the client, the Principal Designer, and other designers and contractors to the extent necessary to ensure that the work complies with all relevant requirements of the building regulations
- Ensure that they, and all those working on the project, co-operate, communicate and co-ordinate their work with the client, the Principal Designer, and other designers and contractors
- Ensure contractors and others involved with the project fulfil their duties
- Liaise with the Principal Designer and share information relevant to the building work
- Assist the client in providing information to others.