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Discounts, exemptions and premiums

Apprentices and youth trainees

If someone in your household is an apprentice or youth trainee, they do not count for council tax purposes. If, even after disregarding any adults living in your household who do not count for council tax purposes, more than one adult does still count, then no discounts can be claimed. You can make a claim for council tax support if you are on a low income.


An apprentice is someone who is:

  • employed for the purpose of learning a trade, business, profession, office or employment
  • undertaking a programme of training leading to an accredited qualification recognised by the National Council for Vocational Qualifications (NCVQ)
  • employed at a salary, allowance or both, which in total, is less than they would receive if they had obtained the qualification, and no more than £195 per week

Apply for an apprentice discount

Youth trainees

A youth trainee is someone who is:

  • undertaking training according to an individual training plan under the Employment and Training Act 1973, funded by the Skills Funding Agency or Young People’s Learning Agency; and
  • under 25 years of age

A person is considered to be undertaking training from the day on which the course or programme begins to the day it is completed, abandoned, or they are dismissed from it.

If the trainee is taking part in a People on Employment Training Scheme, they are not classed as being a youth training trainee.

Apply for a trainee discount

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